Paintball Arena
Paintball Arena

For this project, I wanted to create an interior design for a fast-paced paintball arena shooter within a 3D printing facility dedicated to preserving architectural history, printing 1:1 scale replicas of ancient buildings or what's left of them. The aim was to create an immersive environment that combined vibrant colours with a clean futuristic aesthetic with a touch of retro nostalgia. I also found a fun challenge while trying to clearly distinguish between the employee-only and guest areas. I achieved this by incorporating sharp, angular shapes and blocky structures in the Factory section while utilizing rounder more inviting forms in the guest area. The process of designing these distinctions in the areas was both challenging and a lot of fun.

This project was particularly special to me, as I felt like I reconnect with the very reason I initially pursued art

Thanks a bunch to everyone who has given me feedback and guidance for this project, had a blast making these!
Thanks for checking it out, hope you like it!

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